Friday, May 29, 2009

How will we circumnavigate Wyoming?

Probably, we should really call our trip the almost-but-not-quite circumnavigating Wyoming trip, since we'll be in Wyoming for the first two National Parks of the trip - Grand Teton and Yellowstone. But, for the remainder of the trip, we actually will be circumnavigating Wyoming - by going to Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado before returning our car to Salt Lake City.

If anyone is interested, we've provided a map to show how we will be almost-but-not-quite circumventing Wyoming:

View Larger Map


  1. Incredibly impressive AND ambitious!! How many days will you be traveling in total?

  2. Umm.. Days traveling. We start actually traveling (after the base jumping of course) on June 8. We fly back on June 22. So, in total, we will be touring the National Parks on the list for 14 days.
