Monday, June 15, 2009

A Henge of Cars and Pubs with Brew

Today was a relatively light day, in terms of sight-seeing (unless you count seeing the farmlands of Nebraska and western Colorado). We started the day with breathless anticipation, looking for Carhenge - that Stonehenge of the west, made out of old cars. Sadly, the cars had been painted gray, which was designed to both stop rust (something the creators of the original Stonehenge didn't need to worry about) and to make the cars look more like, well, stones. However, despite the gray paint, Carhenge did not disappoint. In addition to cars set up in a vague approximation of Stonehenge, there was a car time capsule, a car made to look like an (uncovered) wagon (appropriately, it was a station wagon), and, randomly, dinosaurs (although they were made of car parts).

After finishing our tour of Carhenge (where the animals posed on a car, on the station wagon, and in the belly of one of the beastly dinosaurs), we headed to CO. Our first stop was Breckenridge, a town that I (Nancy) thought that Michele and Sedwick would enjoy walking around in, as it's a cute town, and also has a brewpub. It also just happens to have a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, which it seemed wrong not to stop at.

We were impressed with that brewpub, and not all that hungry, so we decided to do an appetizer and beer sampler tour of another brewpub. This one had a great name, and great merchandise (Dillon Dam, with lots of "get your own Dam beer" sorts of slogans), but just okay beer and appetizers. We then headed to the Days Inn that we'd earned with our many other hotel stays, thanks to Wyndham Rewards. We were curious about Wyndham's "level 1," "level 2," and so on distinctions between free hotel rooms (with higher levels needing more points). After arriving at our level 1 free place we deduced it might have something to do with how easy it is to open the door of the room, close the window, flush the toilet, and use the remote. Tomorrow we're on to explore Denver, Boulder, and perhaps Fort Collins.

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