So, a theme of this trip is that things are not always what they are described as being. Today was a long day of driving, after the two base jumps were over. On the way to Jackson, WY (yeah, this is where we actually go into Wyoming, hence the almost-but-not-quite circumnavigating Wyoming post at the beginning of this blog), we were expecting to see the giant grasshopper described on Roadside America's website. But, it either is gone, or even Eagle Eyes was blind enough not to see it. So, we trav

eled on, going into Blackfoot, ID to see the supposed bikini-clad uniroyal gal. We found what we assumed to be her, but she was not bikini-clad and she was not a uniroyal gal. Rather, she was a waitress. But, happily, the potato that we wanted to see was still in front of the potato museum. Not Tigger-Tiger (NTT), Mischievous Monkey (MM), and Bearable Bear (BB) (Nancy finally named her bear) decided to get in the picture of the potato.

Before we left Idaho Falls, we asked about the site of Evel Knievel's launch to try (and fail) to clear the gorge. Here's what's left of the launch site.
We stopped at a brew pub on the way to Jackson, had a sampler, and then left. We finally arrived in Jackson at about 7:30pm, not in time to do anything. Today, however, we shall make our way to Grand Teton National Park.
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