Today was a very lazy day. We didn't start until late, and even after getting started, all we did in the morning was try to find the cable needed for Michele's camera (so that we could upload our cow round up video). But, alas, we did not find one. After lunch, Sedwick was tired, so Michele and Nancy dropped him off at the hotel to take a quick nap before Day 1 of his base jumping course. Michele and Nancy went off to find Shoshone Falls, but because they needed to be back to take Sedwick to the course, they decided not to pay the $3 to get into the park to have a better view of the park. That's for another day. The rest of the day was spent trying to find stuffed animals to represent us in pictures (you will see the results of that in days to come) and going grocery shopping so we finally stop spending money on restaurants. It was a windy day with some rain, and everyone was tired enough to have an early evening of sorts.

As Nancy and Michele were driving around Twin Falls trying to locate a toy store (which we do not think exists in this town), they happened across something reminiscent of their theme from last summer's trip - MUFFLER MEN!!
Although we did not go into the park when we finally located Shoshone Falls, we were able to take a few pictures. Here is our first Photo Story attempt, since the slideshows are getting a little boring.
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ReplyDeleteEnjoyed the photostory (especially the photos and the Beethoven). Actually expected more story! You know...(cue ominous voiceover with heavy breathing):
ReplyDeleteShoshone of the infamous Muffler People attack...3 unwary travelers pushed over the edge...of their sanity! (Ok, end ominous voiceover).
Something like that. Anyway - the Falls look very nice. Take any photos of interesting birds or plants there? I'm counting on you all to keep me learning about US Natural Parks biota!
And hey...why are you calling your Muffler People "Muffler Men"? I don't see any tell-tale genitalia, facial hair, or Adam's apples (not that facial hair is an exclusively sex-linked trait, come to think of it). And not only men work on cars or change out exhaust systems either, you know.
Man, first poor old cows with horns and now the gentle Muffler People become victims of rampant gender stereotyping...