Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Elusive Mountain, Elusive Moose (Grand Teton National Park)

Who knew how elusive Grand Teton (itself, not the park) was? For hours, we kept our eyes on Grand Teton, waiting for the cloud cover to finally lift. Happily, it did so, but not for long! We did, however, get at least several photos when the clouds finally lifted.

When someone is very intent on seeing a moose (an animal, by the way, which is very very elusive), many dead trees look like antlers. It takes a while to begin to recognize the difference between animate and inanimate objects - though most things seem to be dead trees, since we have not yet seen a moose (and likely will not, sadly).

As with much of our trip, a picture is worth 1000 words. If we presented all of the pictures we've taken on this trip (with Nancy's spiffy new camera), the number of words we'd provide would be beyond believable. So, Nancy spends much time weeding through the pictures to decide what might be best.

By the way, one can easily find Red Sox fans everywhere, as this trip has clearly pointed out. Even in Wyoming, when you are trying to circumnavigate the state, Red Sox fans will find you. We found them in the grocery store, in convenience stores in the park, and in brew pubs.

Note from NTT, BB, and MM: We had a lot of pictures taken of us today. Since we might have been ever so slightly offended by the "Be Bear Aware" and "Wildlife on Road" and "Don't Feed the Wildlife" signs, we especially felt it necessary to have our photos taken with these signs. Not only did we take pictures of "us" today, but several passers-by were so taken with "us" that they also took pictures of us. It was kind of fun. If they didn't take our pictures, they made comments about how we were having our pictures taken. Our portraits are presented in the movie below:

Side Note: Because we spent so much time today searching for the elusive wildlife in Grand Teton, we thought a story of the "wildlife" Nancy and I saw on the road from the Interment Camp the other day might amuse you. Okay, so it might not have been wildlife, but it was an escape from a local ranch. A cow, intent, I think, on making its way to California where "happy cows" live, was walking on our side of the ranch fence, walking very purposefully toward his goal.

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